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Say Hello to Growth

Because everyone wants to have growth in their business and live a full life.

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About me

I’m so excited to support you in your doTERRA journey. The Latin term for doTERRA translates directly to "Gift of the Earth". I know as you implement doTERRA's powerful products into your life, you will see the amazing benefits they have on your overall health and wellness. Here’s a little bit about me!

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Melyna Harrison is a 7 Figure Entrepreneur, CEO of EO PRO, a business coach, and residual income strategist. Her passionate mission to change the global conversation around health care has empowered others to take a proactive approach to self care and lifestyle through natural solutions, impacting over 300,000 families

Observing the struggles of her single mother balancing work while raising Melyna and her 3 siblings, as a child Melyna vowed to design her life with passive income and multiple revenue streams to gift herself as many precious moments with her family as possible. Melyna believes that you can build the business you want, WHILE living the life you love, and takes a strong stand against creating success at the cost of your family, or your health.

With a background as a licensed Massage Therapist and a deep curiosity for the psyche, Melyna has spent over 17 years studying the mind - body - spirit connection and has traveled the world teaching workshops, speaking and training on the topics of health, wealth, leadership and happiness.

Melyna is also a devoted mother of 4 beautiful children. Far too many people are living their jobs instead of living their lives. The world needs less surviving and more thriving - Melyna has just one question for you ......are you ready to turn the tables and step into your best life?

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Get My Daily Selfcare Blueprint

Whether you're seeking inner peace, physical wellness, or simply a little more "me time.” You can't fill everyones cup when yours is half empty.

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“ I help entrepreneurs elevate their health and wealth


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What I offer


I work with you personally to develop a plan with you for sucess

One on One

For Growth

I give you the tools for fast success in your buisness

Your Life

Learn how to balance life, stay healthy, and keep whats important top priority.



Live longer, younger

The MetaPWR system helps you live your most powerful life, supporting your metabolism, energy, and health on a cellular level.* Designed to be used in a system, each MetaPWR product offers a specialty, while also supporting and enhancing the benefits of the other products.

My favorite kit

The home essentials kit- This is your toolbox to help you stay in the pink every day. The blends and single oils in Home Essentials have been hand-selected to provide you with the most important tools to help you live an active life, both mentally and physically.

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in touch


Have questions?

Reach out to me!

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